Sunday 1 March 2015

AO3- Task 1- Inspiration (Photos I'd like to get similar images to)

Inspiration for my Images 

These images are images I found while looking online and are images that I decided I liked the look of, these are images I would like to create similar photos to. 

The strong use of leading lines in the images above creates a strong feel to the images, it is an effect and technique that I am going to use when taking my own images. The use of the leading lines on either side of the image side you a center point which appears to be the focus, it also frames the images.

I will also, like all of the images above, use the lighting and time of day to create a different mood to the images I take. For example this image is quite foggy which makes it appear quite eerie. 

When it comes to the editing, these are images that I may try to create a similar style to, I like the use of bright colours to show the beauty of nature. 

The images above have all been captured in a way to produce pictures that make the water look surreal, almost like it is fake, this enhance the beauty of nature making it seem quite magical.

I like these two images because the simplicity of them helps portray how beautiful nature is and how real it is, compared to the man made buildings etc. 

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